Irene Ward – Doughty Parliamentarian and Campaigner

Dame Irene Ward’s life is the main focus of Helen’s research in 2015, following on from her March 2015 lecture at Westminster.

Among the highlights of Dame Irene’s long parliamentary career, her involvement in the campaign for equal pay for women is perhaps her most lasting achievement.  The following image shows women MPs elected in the 1959 General Election:

Women MPs elected in the 1959 General Election

Women MPs elected in the 1959 General Election. Image reproduced with the permission of Parliamentary Archives, PUD/8/32.


The names of the women MPs who worked closely with Dame Irene in the campaign for equal pay for women are highlighted in bold.

Standing, left to right: Harriet Slater, Lena Jeger, Patricia McLaughlin, Alice Cullen, Joan Vickers, Alice Bacon, Megan Lloyd George, Lady Gammans, Bessie Braddock, Elaine Burton, Evelyn Emmet, Barbara Castle, Mary McAlister, Jean Mann, Joyce Butler, Irene Ward

Seated, left to right: Lady Davidson, Edith Summerskill, Edith Pitt, Mabel Howard, Pat Hornsby-Smith, Florence Horsbrugh, Margaret Herbison

2015 Lecture at Westminster to mark International Women’s Day

A recording of Helen’s 2015 lecture on Dame Irene Ward given at Westminster to mark International Women’s Day is below:

The Quest for Reggie Cooper

This research grew out of a study of the gardens created by Sir Philip Sassoon (1883-1939). Intrigued by what had once been - and may in the future be again - a very attractive building, the quest for its amateur architect, Reginald (Reggie) Cooper began in earnest in 2014.

Reginald Cooper (1885-1965) – Reggie – has proved to be an elusive figure. He appears to have left no papers, private or otherwise. There’s a tantalizing reference to him as a correspondent of the garden designer and writer, Margery Fish (1892-1969) 1, owner of East Lambrook Manor, another medieval Somerset gem in need of restoration in the 1930s, but not the content of the so far untraceable letters.

The biggest boost in the quest for Reggie Cooper has been a conversation with Mrs Mary-Anne Robb, the current owner with her husband, Alastair, of Cothay, who generously shared her knowledge of Cooper’s work and life at Cothay from 1925 to 1937.

Other key sources have been the diaries and ledgers in the Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre of the conservation architect, Sir Harold Brakspear (1870-1934) 2; Country Life articles, most of which were written admiringly by Cooper’s friend, the architectural writer Christopher Hussey (1889-1970) between 1927 and 1950 3 and English Heritage archives. Cooper has walk on parts in a handful of published sources, most notably the writings of his old school friend and British Embassy colleague, Sir Harold Nicolson (1886-1968) but his own voice is silent.

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  1. John Horsey’s outline for East Lambrook’s garden history course lists Cooper as a correspondent Mrs Fish acquired East Lambrook Manor in 1936, towards the end of Cooper’s time at Cothay.
  2. Sir Harold Brakspear’s papers include a batch of uncatalogued diaries which staff very kindly drew to my attention and made available.
  3. Christopher Hussey was editor Country Life’s between1933-1940.

Irene Ward, Disraeli & the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations

2015 brings... a lecture on Irene Ward MP, a paper on Disraeli to the Oxford University TORCH symposium and plans for a seminar series marking the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations.

A taste of what Helen is working on in 2015:

  • Delivering the 2015 Speaker’s Advisory Committee of  Works of Art International Women’s Day lecture, ‘Irene Ward  MP (1895-1980), doughty parliamentarian and campaigner’ .
  • Revisiting and re-evaluating representations of Disraeli’s legacy in a paper to the Oxford University TORCH symposium convened by Sandra Meyer and Megan Kearney, ‘The Many Lives of Benjamin Disraeli: Fame, Legacy and  Representation.’
  • Contributing to plans for a series of seminars in Brighton, Oxford and London marking the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations

If you would like more information about past or current projects please contact Helen directly.

Views from the Orangery: the gardens of Sir Philip Sassoon

This research returns to the topic of gardens as ‘living documents’. It uses the orangery at Trent Park, Enfield as the starting point for an exploration of the gardens created by Sir Philip Sassoon (1888-1939). The two gardens examined (Port Lympne, Kent being the second) are ‘living documents’; cultural landscapes connected to the worlds of politics, the arts, and design and significant meetings in both world wars.
The orangery designed by Reginald Cooper, c. 1931

Figure 1. The orangery designed by Reginald Cooper, c. 1931 (photographed by kind permission of Middlesex University, 2006).

The orangery at Trent Park was built c.1931 to designs by Colonel Reginald Cooper (1885-1965) now a rather elusive historical figure. It was designed in the neo-classical style as part of Sassoon’s remodelling of the large Victorian house on the estate inherited in 1912 from his father Sir Edward Sassoon (1856-1912), from whom he also “inherited” his Hythe constituency.

Like many authentic Georgian orangeries, Trent’s combined a strategic visual location with horticultural and social roles; switching from overwintering the Versailles citrus trees to providing poolside shelter in the summer.

Trent (created from 1926) was the garden of maturity; devoid of the grandiosity of Port Lympne, more in keeping with Sassoon’s progress up the political ladder. But there are common threads.

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Sir George Scharf & the Orangery at Knole Park

Helen has long been interested in the history of orangeries, and so was delighted to act as one of the advisers on the re-instatement of the orangery at Knole Park in late 2009/early 2010. The position brought unexpected archival dividends for her research into historic orangeries, and prompted further research using the sketch books and diaries of Sir George Scharf as a manuscript source. This article gives a first outline of some of her findings.
The Buzalgo stove

Figure 1. The Buzalgo 1

Acting as one of the advisers on the re-instatement of the orangery at Knole Park in late 2009/early 2010 brought unexpected archival dividends for my research into historic orangeries. Standing in the then empty orangery, marvelling at the amazing stove (later identified as a Buzaglo – see FIG. 1) and watching the play of the wintry light through the huge windows with their coloured glass insets, sparked a wish to return to the topic at some future date. In the autumn of 2011 the opportunity arose. With the Sackville papers temporarily unavailable while the Centre for Kentish Archives relocated to their new site, the focus of my research switched to the National Portrait Gallery Heinz Archive & Library and the papers of the Gallery’s first director, Sir George Scharf (1820-95).

Scharf was a man with a mission. Appointed Secretary to the newly-established gallery in 1857 then, from 1882, Director, he was charged with the task of collecting portraits for the new gallery. He visited many of the key historic houses of the era to make an inventory of portraits (including engravings) in private hands, as well as in public collections. The findings would also help the gallery distinguish copies, and identify the best methods of capturing images. With photography still in its infancy his sketchbooks are the pictorial record of his visits, a nineteenth century precursor to the notion of an image bank.

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  1. The Buzalgo stove is a rare survivor of an 18th century heater invented by Abraham Buzalgo (d.1788). An online article ‘Hot Air from Cambridge Library’ notes that in 1744 there were eleven models in production in various sizes. Knole’s may be one of the only two surviving stoves on public display (the other said to be at Williamsburg, Virginia, in the United States.

Historic gardens in Oxfordshire: place and power

For the University of Oxford, Department of Continuing Education Helen devised and taught a five week ‘taster’ course, ‘Place and Power’.

The course which ran in April 2009 focused on three Oxfordshire gardens:

  • Nuneham Park
  • Ditchley Park and
  • Buscot Park

Helen ran an extended version of the course, ‘Historic gardens in Oxfordshire: place and power’ in 2010.